End Youth Homelessness

End Youth Homelessness is a national movement to end youth homelessness in the


Grant Amount: £18,000

United Kingdom



EYH is a national movement made up of 11 community charities that have joined forces to solve the youth homelessness crisis in the UK.

In 2019, over 103,000 young people asked their local authority for help because they were at risk of homelessness.

Homelessness has a devastating impact on young people’s lives and can cause severe mental health trauma, gaps in education and effectively being locked out of the employment market.


Funding Focus

EHY’s ‘Employability Fund’ enables young people to achieve their potential, whatever their previous education or employment.

It provides Employability Coaches to give 1:1 support to those young people who are furthest from the job market.

A grant of £18,000 will provide at least 16 young people with the support they need to access Education, Employment and Training opportunities, equipping them with the skills required to get into sustainable careers.