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Implementing Continuous and Social Recognition

The deceptively simple approach that managers are overlooking: simply saying thanks

The disconnect: new study finds 54% of the workforce in the UK, US and Australia feel their boss could do more to appreciate them while 82% of managers report that they prioritise showing timely appreciation and thanks to employees who have done good work

  • 59% of workers would rather work for on a business with a culture where they received recognition over a higher salary job where they didn’t get any recognition.
  • Nearly half of employees would leave a company if they didn’t receive recognition
  • More than one third (34%) of senior decision makers don’t think that regular recognition and thanking employees at work has a big impact on staff retention.
  • 70% of workers say that motivation and morale would improve if managers simply said thank you more and noticed good work.

Tuesday 23rd May, 2017 - A new study from Reward Gateway, an employee engagement company, has revealed the disconnect between what employees really want and what their employers think they want.

Research out today has revealed that over half of workers say that they would prefer to be thanked by their managers on a continuous, all-year round basis, rather than with a single annual event for recognition. Despite this, the majority of the global $46bn spend a year that companies spend on employee recognition is instead focused on rewarding tenure, through long service awards, for example.

The research from Reward Gateway, which surveyed 1500 employees and 1500 senior decision makers’ has found that almost half (49%) of workers in the UK, Australia and the US would leave a company if they weren’t regularly thanked and recognised for their efforts; a striking stat for businesses struggling to curb falling employee retention rates.

The disconnect between employers and employees is also apparent in the fact that over 8 in 10 (82%) of senior decision makers say that they prioritise showing appreciation and thanks to employees who have done good work in a timely way, on a regular basis, yet over 60% of workers feel that their colleagues could be thanked and praised more regularly by managers and leaders when they do good work.

A whopping 85% of workers think managers and leaders should spot good work and give praise and thanks whenever it happens and the majority (81%) think this should happen on a continuous, all year-round basis.

However, in the study, managers were asked how much they were encouraged by their own line managers to show appreciation and thanks to employees in their teams and 13% said that they did not receive this encouragement. Further to this, just over half of managers have tech-based social recognition tools to say thank you and recognise good behaviour and fewer have access to tools that enable sharing of praise publicly between teams.

Glenn Elliott, Founder and CEO of Reward Gateway says: “This is another really strong data point that tells us what we’re doing with recognition is wrong. If companies want to improve employee engagement, motivation and retention they need to urgently divert investments  from tenure based, long service award programmes which aren’t working but are costing businesses a fortune. We’ve worked hard to make our SmartAwards product support what today’s employees want for recognition and deliver a much improved ROI for clients.”

Liz Crutchley, Head of Reward & Benefits from HomeServe Membership who use Reward Gateway as part of its engagement strategy, says: “At HomeServe, we have a People First culture, where empowerment and recognition form a huge part of the way we do things.

“We actively encourage our People to recognise each other based on our People values. One of the many ways we do this is by using the Reward Gateway online portal which enables our People to send thank you e-cards to one another in a really simple and accessible way. To date, we’ve sent over 33,000 across our business.

“We’ve worked really hard to create a culture that every single person who works at HomeServe is proud to be a part of, and this type of recognition along with the many other initiatives we have implemented, have helped see a huge rise in our engagement.”


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Notes to editors:

  • Research was undertaken by Atomik on 11th May 2017
  • A sample of 500 workers were surveyed in each country (UK, US, Australia)
  • A sample of 500 senior decision makers were surveyed in each country (UK, US, Australia)

About Reward Gateway

Reward Gateway helps more than 1,400 of the world's leading companies, in 23 countries, to attract, engage and retain their best people with an employee engagement platform that brings employee benefits, discounts and perks, reward and recognition, employee wellbeing and employee communications into one unified hub. Clients include American Express, Unilever, Samsung, IBM and McDonald's. Please visit: