Integrate Reward Gateway | Edenred with the apps your people already use
There are multiple platforms, apps and logins which are involved in a person’s everyday life. In one of our recent surveys, 90 percent of HR leaders said integrating their HR technology is a top priority. Our goal is to connect with your existing technology to seamlessly support a culture of engagement.
Here are the types of integrations we offer, and a sampling of the dozens of integrations you can use to enhance the Reward Gateway | Edenred platform experience:
Extract data from existing systems.




Reach your teams wherever and however they work.

Further information for Microsoft Teams

Further information for Yapster


Further instructions for Slack
Extract data from existing systems.
Ensure privacy, security and efficiency.

Extend your reach.

Open API
Integrate your systems with Reward Gateway using our Open API. Use this to build apps, script interactions with your platform, or develop any other type of integration you need. If you're interested in more information about how to partner with us to build an integration, get in touch with us.