How to reset your reward and recognition strategy in 2022

Visit our Mini Hub to find helpful resources and tips and tricks to guide and strengthen your reward and recognition strategy in 2022. See more!

The new year has hit us with more unexpected changes as we are faced with a new wave of the pandemic. In the last two years, one thing has become very apparent to organizations as we navigate remote and hybrid working – organizations need to be flexible and innovative when it comes to keeping their people connected, so that they're prepared for any circumstances.

remote employeeAs organizations around the world find creative ways to attract, engage and retain their employees through these times, reward and recognition has become top of mind for many employers.

Thanking employees and giving them the tools to thank each other for their efforts is more important than ever, and can have a positive impact on morale, productivity and company culture. 

In this War for Talent, reward and recognition are must-haves. Whether you are at the beginning of your recognition and engagement journey, or whether you have a full platform in place, now is a great time to reevaluate your recognition strategy and see where there's room for improvement. To make your life a little easier, we've pulled together some resources to get you started. Visit our reward and recognition hub to find helpful tips and tricks, and discover success stories from organizations who have been in your position to inspire you in 2022. Enjoy!

reward and recognition hub

Visit the R&R hub