CACHE achieve 58% engagement with  brand new scheme, provided by Asperity Employee Benefits

The UK’s leading specialist awarding organisation for the children and adult care sectors, CACHE, has introduced a voluntary benefits offering to its employee benefits programme. The brand new scheme, provided by Asperity Employee Benefits, attracted 58% engagement among staff on launch day alone.

Launched on 1st September, CACHE Rewards is available to all 120 staff across various locations across the UK. Staff signing up to the scheme can enjoy shopping discounts at over 3,000 retailers online, over the phone and in-store, including large supermarkets such as Sainsbury's and big brands such as Apple. The web-based system is supported by an extended-hours Helpdesk and a robust communications programme.

Prior to launch, the organisation held a series of roadshows at which employees could learn more about their forthcoming benefits scheme. Emails were then sent to all staff on the day of launch which encouraged take-up by linking to the scheme's registration page. On launch day alone, 58% of CACHE employees had registered on the scheme. Within one month, engagement had reached an impressive 78% and continues to rise.

Janice Young, HR manager at CACHE, said: "We're thrilled about the staff response so far to the new discounts programme. We felt it was a genuine benefit that our staff would appreciate. With CACHE Rewards, our employees can save hundreds of pounds a year when they shop in stores that they would have been shopping anyway."

Tom Barton, head of SME business at Asperity, added: "CACHE are a wonderful client to work with, and it is fantastic to see their employees making the most of their benefits programme this early on. Experience tells us that the engagement figure is likely to keep on rising as the employee communications become regular and people spread the word about the great offers available on the scheme."