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We’re thrilled to announce that Reward Gateway has been nominated for three awards:

The In-House Recruitment Awards, where the winner will be announced on Wednesday 28th November, discovers and recognises the achievements of UK in-house recruitment teams and the ever-changing challenges these teams face.

Meanwhile, the RAD Awards, where the winner will be announced on 31st January 2019, champions excellence in recruitment communications and those that innovate, ready to embrace brave strategies.

We put a lot of time and effort into ensuring our candidates have the best experience possible and keep innovating the process. Here's how we've been creating an almost-award-winning candidate experience.

The importance of a candidate journey

Our mission is to make the world a better place to work and at the heart of this is employee engagement, which needs to be apparent as soon as a potential employee interacts with the company. In addition, one of our key company values is ‘delighting our customers’ which all of our employees embrace, therefore we want this value to be lived from the start to the end of candidate journeys.

We pride ourselves on making the candidate experience human, alleviating the usual frustrations that candidates can face as well as making it as unique to us as a brand as possible. For example, we have committed to a 24-hour response time to applications and include our Group HR Director, Rob Hicks’ contact information to allow candidates to give feedback, suggestions and comments throughout their process.

As soon as a candidate is invited to an interview, they can access a communications hub, designed specifically for them, which provides content, video and interview tips to help them best prepare.

Offers and contracts are sent within 24-hours of an employee accepting a verbal offer and for those that are unsuccessful post interview stage, whether it has been a phone interview or face-to-face, will receive personal feedback on their application.

Diversity and Inclusion in the recruitment process

Diversity and inclusion is a huge part of life at Reward Gateway, which is why it’s so important for it to be at the front and centre of the recruitment process.

One of our most important changes for the recruitment process has been educating our employees to remove unconscious bias. We have biannual unconscious bias training for all managers, globally, and it’s been cited as one of the most valuable training they’ve ever had.

Our recruitment efforts are also focused on finding a diverse set of candidates. We’re working with recruitment partners such as Vercida in the UK, whose mission is to promote equality at work for everyone, and Work 180 in Australia, a women in tech job board. We’re part of Change 100, offering work experience to those with disabilities. We’ve also changed our adverts to appeal to a more diverse audience.

We also offer a range of other Diversity and Inclusion initiatives, such as 12 months paid parental leave, regardless of gender, Mental Health Awareness initiatives, three months paid leave to take care of poorly family members, and many more. Importantly, we produce voluntary diversity reports, which potential employees can access ahead of their application.

All of our employees are dedicated to make the world a better place to work, and we believe that this should start at the recruitment process. We’re proud that our efforts has been recognised by the In-House Recruitment Awards and RAD Awards and we aim to continue to be ahead of the game in recruitment and diversity.

Learn more about the Reward Gateway culture here and view our current job openings here.