NEW: Visit the Post-COVID-19 Guide to Employee Engagement

Announcing the new Post-COVID-19 Guide to Employee Engagement from the team at Reward Gateway.

2 min read

All over the world, HR leaders are facing challenges they likely have never encountered before. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to force HR to think differently and inspire innovation by finding new ways to connect, recognize and support their people. 

Whether your workforce has had to shift to remote working and struggling to stay connected to the business, filled with frontline employees who are craving appreciation or currently going through difficult times like extended furloughs or layoffs, it can be hard to think past today and wonder, “What happens next?”

We first pulled together the Reward Gateway COVID-19 Resource Library, filled with content and resources to navigate the beginnings of the coronavirus. Over the last few months, thousands of HR leaders around the world have accessed it to help navigate the ins and outs of the pandemic and its effect on businesses everywhere. It’s still available to you to browse and get access to blogs, eBooks and more content as you need it. 

Today, we’re excited to announce The Post-COVID-19 Guide to Employee Engagement, which we hope will support you in the days and months ahead to shape your plans for the future of work, and the future of your business.

Visit the Guide

In this new section of our site, you’ll find chapters on the new focus on employee engagement, along with practical tips and stories around how to think ahead to a post-COVID-19 world. 

We know we're not out of the woods yet, but the groundwork we lay now to support and engage our people will better equip us for the future of work.

We’re here to help you, now and in the future, with all the tools you need to navigate the next era of employee engagement. 

Stay safe and well, 

Chloe DeIulis