Connecting Employee Engagement to Business Results

The levers to pull to support people and drive business growth

Reward Gateway is forging new ground with a study exploring the benefits companies provide, the engagement they achieve and the business results that their efforts drive. Join us for a look at the ROI of People Initiatives!

We confirm the connection between engagement and results, but join us to also learn about which benefits are overrated as a means to drive results, and which hold the most promise. We will explore which types of benefits fit best within which types of organization, and the impact of appreciation and effective communication on engagement levels. Gain language you can take to your business leaders to reinforce the budget decisions you know will work for your teams.

Additionally, our conversation will touch on the effectiveness of specific benefits on key priorities like engagement, retention, wellbeing, development, and compensation, offering a roadmap for organizations to enhance their engagement strategies.

Fill out the form to register for our webinar!