31 ideas to engage a hybrid workforce

With parts of the country now coming out of lockdown, businesses must put in place new tactics and ideas to engage their hybrid employees. Learn more.

With parts of the country going into snap lockdowns, and others navigate changing restrictions and updated mask mandates, companies are embracing hybrid working models to reflect the changing needs of today’s workforce. It can be difficult to figure out how to balance the needs of your in-office employees with those that are fully remote, but if hybrid is the way forward, businesses must put in place new tactics and ideas to engage their hybrid employees. 

Not sure where to start? We’ve pulled together a list of ideas to help you navigate the new way of working, from being more strategic around how you reward and recognise or communicate, to how you can use the right tools to prepare for a return to the office. 


Clearly document and post back-to-work policies on a centralised platform
Keep a pulse on employee morale with one-question employee surveys
Ensure policies are clear for remote, office and hybrid workers
Ask employees about how to create a safe environment for their return to work
Have employees schedule desks to analyse how many people are coming into the office 
Design special eCards to celebrate being back in the office with one another
Ask how people will be using the office (team days, 1-to-1 meetings, quarterly kickoff lunches, etc.)
Polls on when people will be coming in to coordinate office snacks/supplies
Use surveys to understand more about how and when people may be using the office 


Communicate back to office plans open and honestly
Create a rhythm of communication so people know when to expect an update
Have different teams in the company share updates to increase visibility on projects others may not see in person
Make communications more accessible via a real-time mobile app to reach employees when it’s best for them
Use company announcements/blogs to introduce new policies and re-establish norms (meeting etiquette, office or work from home policies, etc.)
Stick to a regular schedule of employee one-on-ones and ask about successes and challenges


Allow for recognition moments anywhere, anytime
Ask employees what they’re proud of to uncover simple, important milestones
Recognise employees with special meeting shoutouts, either virtually or in-person
Keep up 'in-office' celebrations by adding to recognition moments with digital comments and reactions
Lift visibility of remote employees by proactively setting up a recurring time to reflect on their wins and project progress through formal recognition
Provide a choice of rewards that support different lifestyles and working arrangements


Create a safe space for employees to share concerns
Watch for signs of burnout (changes in behaviour or mood, lack of productivity)
Offer employer-sponsored wellbeing classes like on-demand yoga or mindfulness sessions
Promote company-wide unplugged hours
Encourage employees to take screen breaks and go for walks


Cater to remote and non-remote workers with virtual events like a cocktail making class, trivia and wellness activities
Consider a weekly pop-in lunchtime meeting for all employees to have the space to connect
Start internal channels to share inspirational podcasts, reading lists or new TV shows to watch
Take a few minutes at the start of meetings to check-in on the personal (weekend plans, kids, etc.)
Block off time on your calendar specifically for ‘drop in social time’ to connect with others in the business

Looking for more inspiration to engage your hybrid employees? Get in touch with us to learn more about how our suite of employee engagement tools can help you connect, recognise and support your workforce.

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