2020 has been a tough year for all of us – as many businesses have struggled to communicate with employees, support their wellbeing and engage them to prevent burnout and turnover, we’ve been humbled to help you navigate these challenging times. As our gift to you, we've gathered our top resources and blogs to inspire you in the new year, and hopefully make 2021 a little easier.

Here are our top picks to guide and support your engagement strategy, as you work to connect, recognise and support your employees through 2021 and beyond:

Our Most Popular Blogs

5 steps to recognise your frontline employees and show appreciation

For many organisations, remote work isn’t an option, and frontline workers need extra support from their leaders as they risk their health and safety every day for the sake of others. Amidst low morale and high stress levels, employers have a chance to show their employees that they see and appreciate their hard work. Discover new ways to support your frontline employees.

Preventing employee burnout and work-from-home isolation

global-burnout-3We’re all tired, and employees are feeling this strain more than ever before as they continue to work under unusual conditions with no apparent end in sight. How can you help to relieve the stress employees are feeling both at home and at work, and keep them engaged as we navigate our changing world? Learn tips on creating a more productive and motivated environment for your employees.

Coronavirus and the role of HR: Staying connected to your people in times of uncertainty

As employees have experienced big changes to both the workplace and how our world operates, they have looked to their leaders for guidance. HR leaders have an opportunity to provide employees with a sense of security, belonging and respect through these tough times. Discover how you can use this challenging time to connect your people and bring positivity to your workplace.

How to integrate technology to increase employee engagement

work-from-home-1As HR leaders look for ways to best support and engage their employees through this changing, unpredictable environment, one simple method has stood out from the rest – leveraging the power of technology. Learn more about how tools and technologies can help you cultivate connection, culture and employee wellbeing in these challenging times.

Learn more about the Reward Gateway employee engagement platform for your  business »

Your Favourite Reads

Your Guide to Choosing a Reward and Recognition Solution

Whether this is the beginning of your recognition journey or whether you already have a platform in place, there’s always room for improvement. Implementing a recognition program is a good start, but making sure that program is right for your business is essential if you want it to succeed. Discover what goes into a successful R&R program and learn practical steps to make your program a winning solution.

Increasing Employee Engagement Through Strategic Recognition

star-recognitionPutting the spotlight on recognition can not only improve employee engagement, but can also drive business results. Learn from Josh Bersin’s experience how other companies have embraced strategic recognition and have seen significant improvements to their business, and how your organisation can do the same.

6 Essential Steps to Launch a Benefits Program

Employee benefits can be great way to offer employees extra financial support, and advances in technology have made it easy for employers to put these programs in place. Learn more about how to make your benefits program effective so that it works to its full potential, and so that employees can get the most out of it.

6 Steps to Create Connections During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The way we communicate with each other has changed, but maintaining an effective communications strategy has become more important than ever. With the proper channels of communication in place, employees can feel more connected to each other and to the business in these difficult times, and more informed by their company amidst the uncertainty in the world.

If you're looking for more ideas, be sure to subscribe to our blog for inspiration all year round. You can also visit our resource library for more tips on connecting, recognising and supporting your employees in the new year. Happy reading!

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Liana Moore-Butler

Liana is a Digital Content Specialist at Reward Gateway and wears multiple hats daily to support the global marketing team. She is a proud cat mom to two fur babies, Kai and Moki.

Digital Content Specialist

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