Tuesday 24th March 2015, Sydney, Australia.

Today is a big day for us at Reward Gateway and it’s a big day for employee benefits and employee engagement in Australia too. Today we’re announcing a historic merger of the employee benefit programmes of Reward Gateway and Australia’s oldest benefits provider, API Leisure & Lifestyle. It’s something that we’ve been working on for nearly a year and we’re really excited about the benefits it means we can bring to so many employer programmes.

API has always offered fantastic standards of client care.

We’ve known that for many years and it was confirmed to us many times in the customer diligence we conducted as part of this deal. We’re really conscious as we complete this merger that companies becoming Reward Gateway clients without having directly chosen us. We know that this merger will give them lots that they’ve been asking API for – much improved benefits, much improved online offers, more genuine savings for your people, plus the user experience and communications that will drive usage and employee engagement.

Winning your trust.

Many API clients already know us but there are some that do not and we know that we’ll need to win their trust. We’ll do that as we always do by listening carefully, delivering a fantastic job for them, making life easy and delivering the metrics and results that they need.

We’re also tremendously fortunate to be gaining some fantastic people and talent as part of this deal. Kylie Green, Sarina Pearson and Kylie Bonnello have all accepted senior positions at Reward Gateway Australia this week and we’re meeting more great people there every day.

Fantastic new products.

Announcing this deal coincides with the launch of SmartHub™ in Australia. SmartHub™is the complete employee engagement platform that we launched in the UK last August. Already over 50 clients are live or in implementation with SmartHub™ including major employers like Grant Thornton, BSkyB, Thames Water, Cofely and GAP retail. They’re all as excited as we are to be able to deploy a complete proposition to their employees across benefits, reward, culture and communications.

You know, it’s our 10th year in business today but in so many ways it feels like we’re just at the start of the story. We are brimming with excitement and enthusiasm for what we can together with our partners and colleagues in HR around the world and we are just thrilled that today, the RG family got that bit bigger.

Over here in Australia we have a lot of work to do. There are a lot of clients to see and I’m certain a lot of questions to answer. But we’re ready for that and with 230 passionate, enthusiastic, talented and focussed people behind us at RG we have never been in a better place to serve the needs of HR wherever they are in the world.

With very best wishes to all of our clients worldwide,


Glenn Elliott
Founder & CEO

Glenn Elliott

Founder at Reward Gateway, Employee Engagement expert and Author of "The Rebel Playbook for Employee Engagement."


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