RG Employee Journey: Cat Wright, Product Manager

Meet Cat Wright, Product Manager at Reward Gateway, and hear about her employee journey.

5 min read

Sure you know our bloggers, but what about the other hundreds of faces that make up the RG (Reward Gateway) team? To help, I'm borrowing one of my favorite parts of our internal communications platform, boom!, known as the "RG Journey" page. It gives an in-depth look at individual employee experiences throughout the company to give advice to newcomers, veterans and anyone in between on how to navigate company culture and live the company values day in and day out. 

First up, let's meet Cat Wright... 

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How did you find RG? 

My RG Journey began with a BBQ. I was 8 months into my big move to London and my job as an Au Pair was winding up. I accepted an invite to a party with a friend and sat myself next to a lovely girl called Bekkie Wetz, who's been with Reward Gateway for more than five years now! We got talking about our jobs and it quickly became clear that Bekkie was working somewhere very cool.

When she heard that I was looking for a new role she took my email and offered to put me in touch with her HR team. Six weeks and three interviews later I started in our 360 team managing 65 SME clients.

What were your first few months like?

While I had some work experience as an intern at LVMH this was my first "real" office job and it was definitely a learning curve. Looking back I can’t believe the things I worried about; my first solo meeting, calling a client to give renewal pricing, a sit down with procurement - they were big milestones that now are not only simple but fun.

The thing that sticks in my mind most from my time with 360 though was the incredible culture that department built.

I cut my teeth in a department that was supportive, inclusive and gut-achingly funny to work with. 

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Tell us about some of your stand-out moments. 

Big changes came in 2014 with the purchase of Dazines and the creation of the Global Support Office. 360 merged with the corporate team and after a brief stint managing larger clients I moved into our Implementation team. Here’s the biggest secret about the service team; Implementation is one of the most creative departments in the company. I got to play around with site design and user experience while learning our products inside and out.

I remember sitting on a conference call during the setup of one of our clients, which happened to be with representatives from some of the UK’s biggest companies.

These big shots in the world of HR and IT were all listening to me for guidance and direction; me who 2 years earlier had spent my days picking up kids from school and cooking fish fingers.

It was a very surreal, very awesome moment.

When our head of the department Jo Martin moved on at the end of 2015, I applied for the new team leader role and was very proud to be given the job. It was an incredible team to manage and it was another period of rapid learning as my focus shifted from projects to people.

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But you weren't done with your rounds at RG. What happened next?

In 2016 I made the jump from Implementation to Engagement where I spent a year on the very front line of our product. I learned a lot about what it means to be a leader and I’ll carry the relationships I formed there for the rest of my career.

I loved my team and the challenge of leading a targets driven team, but after nearly four years in Client Services, I was beginning to get hungry for a change.

In late 2016 I heard that Richard (our Chief Product Officer) was looking to expand the product team and was recruiting for new Product Managers. I had watched Phil Noble (a product manager) make the move from CS to Product three years earlier and had always thought that it was the one other department at RG that I could really see myself moving into. I spoke to a few other coworkers about my interest in the role and officially threw my name in the ring.

I know the calibre of people that applied so I’m incredibly grateful that I’ve been given the chance to take this new step in my career.

How has working at RG helped progress your career?

Looking back at the last four years I can’t quite believe the path I’ve walked, the responsibilities I’ve been given and the opportunities that have come my way.

As cliche as it sounds, RG has become my family.

I’ve grown more than at any other period of my life and can honestly say that this company has shaped the person I’ve become.

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What advice would you give to those starting out in their careers, or at a new job?

My tip to anyone starting their own journey is to never stop being curious. There’s always more to learn and the more you know the more you’ll be trusted with.

Speak up, take part and be active in not only your own development but in the development of the company.

That's when the magic happens.