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This week, we're excited to welcome more than 350 HR rebels and leaders to our inaugural Engagement Excellence Summit. We'll take over the Brewery with 30+ amazing speakers to educate attendees on building a great reputation as an employer, championing colleague engagement through technology and creating an amazing wellbeing strategy (among other topics). 


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Even though the event is sold out, we'll release some of the featured content around the breakout sessions here on Reward Gateway after the event in the coming weeks.

To get you singing the tunes of rebels around you, we're counting down to the summit with a Speaker Spotlight on just a few of the rebels we're welcoming to the stage. We've got some of our speakers to answer a few questions so we can get to know them a little better.

Check out the full agenda of breakout sessions and talks »

This week, we're interviewing Kelly Swingler of The Chrysalis Crew, an HR consulting firm. Kelly's in two streams at the Summit, delivering talks on how to watch out for burn out (before it's too late) and why you should burn the employee handbook. During Kelly's sessions, she'll be talking about: 

  • Discover why we love a rulebook.
  • Understand why culture plays a big part in the style of your handbook.
  • Learn why handbooks don't have to be complicated (or long).

Hi, Kelly!


Kelly is committed to changing the way we deliver HR and Learning for our people and works with HR and L&D teams to help them do things differently, to challenge the status quo, and to deliver solutions that are right for the organisations. She coaches HR professionals on a one-to-one and group basis and delivers in-house workshops with a difference to help change the face of HR.

Let's begin... 

Who is your favourite rebel? 

I've been lucky to be surrounded by rebels my whole life and I'd struggle with just one. Top of the list though: My parents. In the 80's my mum worked and my dad stayed at home. He won housewife of the year in 1987.

What's been the best moment on your engagement journey so far?

Again so many, but I think most recently seeing my small but perfectly formed team at Chrysalis winning IiP Gold.

In itself it's not rebellious, but it's a seal of approval to show we do for ourselves what we do for our clients (and we're already Platinum in a lot of areas).


What's the next summit on your horizon?

I would love to have 10,000 rebels in our Members Hub, changing the world of work together on mass.

If you were climbing Everest and about to reach the summit, what would your victory song be?

The one that's jumped into my head would be Fight Song by Rachel Platten (now playing in the office).

What tool would you not be without on your engagement journey?

Just one?! Tough choice. My phone, iPad and Mac all sync perfectly no matter where I'm working. Plus, these apps: Monday.com and Evernote. That said though, my Dailygreatness business planner is the one thing I'd really struggle without – sometimes you just need to go back to basics.

Stay tuned for the next Speaker Spotlight...and in the meantime, check out our past interviews:

Megan Wiseman

As the Head of Client Success for our Enterprise and Corporate clients, Megan leads a team of talented Client Success Managers who work hand-in-hand with their clients to help them reach their unique business goals through best practice, support and strategy.

Head of Client Success

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