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With so many businesses competing to find, attract and nurture the best talent, employers are under pressure to find innovative ways to build a compelling Employee Value Proposition. It may seem like an impossible or expensive problem to solve, but investing in the right pieces of your EVP puzzle could be the key to your company’s long-term success.

What is an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) and why does it matter?

Your Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is essentially what makes your organisation stand out above your competitors. If a strong candidate was offered a job at two organisations, including yours, what would compel them to choose your offer over the other one? Is it their link to your purpose, mission and values, and how that shines in your company culture? Is it the way you recognise and reward achievers and provide opportunities for employees to grow and progress in their careers? Perhaps it’s the compensation package or creative benefits you offer to your people. The likelihood is, it’s a combination of all these things.

Put simply, your Employee Value Proposition is made up of all the things that make your business unique.

Because each person will value different things during their employee lifecycle, improving and strengthening your EVP is important to attracting and retaining engaged and productive employees. This includes:

  1. Your employer brand – the reputation you have as an employer, which attracts a specific type of employee to apply and accept for a job at your company
  2. The employee experience – the interactions employees have from the moment they accept a job offer, through induction and to their day-to-day job, including how they communicate and work with their leaders and team members, to the software and tools they use and their physical environment.

How does strengthening your EVP improve business performance?

Have the right talent doing the right thing, in less time. Socialcast reports that 69% of employees say they would work harder if their efforts were better appreciated, and our own research agrees. Recognition, which is free, reflects and embeds your company culture and shines a spotlight on the most impactful individuals and teams, while making really clear to new starters what great looks like in your business.

This speeds up the on-boarding and training process, equips people to understand what’s expected of them faster, and gets people delivering their most effective work and feeling great about their contribution.

Investing in your EVP through strategic reward and recognition in this way is an untapped productivity and efficiency hack.


Ideally, your organisation rewards and recognises employees based on your company values, and those delivering on your mission. This allows you to continually communicate and reinforce your company’s purpose and mission, and means employees know what they’re working towards and how to get there. A recent study showed that more than 90% of HR professionals agree that having an effective employee reward and recognition programme has a positive effect on retention, while nearly the same amount agree that recognition drives business results.

A great example of a business that understands this well is Watford Community Housing, a not-for-profit organisation. When a staff survey revealed a lack of understanding around the current reward and recognition programmes, it became clear that the organisation needed to transform its reward and recognition initiatives to be more transparent and inclusive.  


Now, the organisation has designed its own approach to employee reward and recognition through layering director-led awards, behaviour-led "Wheel of Fortune" prize wheels, long service and continuous recognition through peer-to-peer eCards. As a result, the organisation has seen a 20 point increase in employee satisfaction across the business. 

Read the full Peoplecare success story to learn how to create a culture of  continuous recognition»

Using the right tools strengthens your EVP

One often overlooked part of the employee experience is the tools that your people use to get their work done.

Equipping employees with the right information from the day they sign a contract to their last day in your business affects their efficiency, engagement and ultimately effectiveness at their job.

When employees waste time looking for information that they need to get their job done, it has an impact on your bottom line. On the other hand, having centralised and user-friendly employee communications tools makes employees better connected and decreases the time it takes to respond to internal and customer queries. This affects productivity, customer satisfaction, and ultimately, your business results.

A study by Watson Wyatt showed that companies with highly effective employee communications outperform companies with less effective communications — they produced 20% less turnover, 47% higher shareholder returns and experienced a 29.5% increase in market value.

Cover-More Group, a leading travel insurance and assistance provider, has hundreds of employees providing support to clients, often in times of crisis or emotional distress. Having the right information available at their fingertips is crucial to their customer service delivery, so the team implemented a unified communications, recognition and discounts hub called “Altitude.”


The platform provides employees news and information in a timely manner, allowing employees who usually spend working hours on phones the opportunity to read and digest important information at a time and place that best suits them. The people team can also segment messages so the relevant information appears on the Altitude homepage when employees first log in.

Read the full Cover-More story to learn how to drive a positive customer  experience with an exceptional employee experience»

Because the company information is housed where employees access recognition and discounts, there’s a clear “what’s in it for me” mentality that keeps their people logging back into the site – whether they’ve logged in to recognise their peers with an eCard or read one they’ve received, or accessed discounts from hundreds of retailers while they’re doing their shopping or planning a holiday. Altitude provides a simple, mobile-accessible, one-stop-shop for everything they need to know about Cover-More as an employer.


A strong employer brand makes a tangible impact

Having a strong employer brand means your reputation as a great place to work precedes you, especially when you showcase your EVP during onboarding. Or, consider what a strong Glassdoor rating can do to shorten your recruitment time. Better yet, when engaged employees speak positively about your organisation as a place to work, whether it’s at a family BBQ or while out with friends, you’re reinforcing your standing as an employer of choice. It’s likely strong candidates will come to you, rather than you having to spend time and money looking for them.

Great employers also know that their impact reaches far beyond their employees.

They know that solid reputation as a great place to work isn’t built on pool tables or free beer. Sure, those things are nice, but they don’t hold up if people are not fairly compensated or struggle to work under poor leadership or a toxic workplace culture. Great employers know how to make a positive impact in the lives of their people through meaningful work, opportunities for relationship and development, and meaningful, holistic employee discounts that support employees’ financial, mental and physical wellbeing both inside and outside work.

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These are just a couple examples of organisations who stand out because they have proactively invested in their Employee Value Proposition and are experiencing the return of that investment through an engaged, informed and loyal workforce. The strong candidates that you’re trying to attract, are likely to choose the company they know invests in creating an engaging work environment and a positive employee experience is an obvious one.

So if you want to win the talent war and attract, retain and engage the people who’ll help your business grow, the question remains: Are you willing to invest what it takes to stand out?

Kylie Green

As Reward Gateway's Managing Director, APAC, Kylie Green is responsible for the Australia and New Zealand markets, working closely with Sales, Marketing and Client Success teams. She is passionate about working with organisations to better connect and engage with their people. With 20 years experience in partnering with companies on their engagement strategies, she helps strengthen the connection between Reward Gateway’s teams and how they solve local market challenges.

Managing Director, APAC

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